
Smile =]

Things that made me smile recently...

- Two little kids playing peek a boo on the bus this morning, was sweet.
- Spending time with my college friends, and taking random pictures.
- Playing Frisbe, was great fun.
- Thinking about tuesdays meeting with Matthew and Kelston, haha! (you had to be there)
- Tara's suggestions for Keith instead of swearing - Coconut Fudge.
- Me cool paper wedding ring
- knowing that it's only 18 days till my summer holidays start
- Knowing the Madeleine and Gemma are home soon. And Madeleine is home for good this time :)
- Knowing i'm going to be an Aunty in November
- And knowing that Jesus love me <3

So, if you forget about exams, life is great at the moment! :)

1 comment:

Laura Whispering said...

Aww, it's nice to hear someone's all cheerful =]