

Imagine your life different. Well that's what we were all doing at the weekend.

I was off at the training college for the weekend, with Cindy, Kelston, Christine, Chris and Phillip.

The weekend started off on Saturday morning for me anyways, as i got ready to leave, and caught the train from Laura's to Johnstone, where my uncle dropped me off at Glasgow airport.
I was flying from Glasgow, everyone else from Aberdeen, but their flight was delayed, so i was finding things to amuse myself with for three hours.

They arrived just after 5, and then we all hopped onto and off of trains, then arrived at the college, dumped our things then went to get some food. While on this bus, cindy decided to do my hair for me, so i was then walking round London with piggy tails. We went to this little Chinese place, was nice, then went for a walk round London.

We arrived back at the college with millies cookies and sweets, and Christine and i had Tea/Coffee, and the boys came and joined us before they decided to go watch the football and go on their own little tour of the basement.

Sunday went off to a good start, we were all up in time, and ready for 9. But i realized my fringe was longer than the other side, so, Cindy gave me a haircut, lol.

From 10 till half 10, we had refreshments in the dining room, followed by worship from half 10 till just after 12. Which was really nice. It was full of Cadets' choir, drama's, the worship band, and walking around shaking hands with everyone. A song they sang was this:

what can i do but thank you
what can i do but give my life to you
Hallelujah, hallelujah
What can I do but praise You,
everyday make everything I do a hallelujah
A hallelujah, hallelujah

We all then pilled into the dining room for lunch, then had a tour of the college.
Then our three sessions: Essential, a short time experience and a glimpse of college life. Unfortunately we never got to the last one, because we had to go to the airport. But all in all, it was a really good weekend.
Even if my phone battery died Saturday evening. Was a good weekend.


Back from the training college!

Too much travelling. I'm shattered.
But, London was well worth it.
And the training college is beautiful. Was a good weekend.
Will blog tomorrow in more detail. But for now, i'm off to bed.

P.S - Cindy gave me a hair cut this morning, lol!