
Spiritual Gifts...

I have just been cleaning out my room, and found the spiritual gift quiz we got given to do again in a few months, and this time it's come out as this:

Being the top three:
- Service to Society
- Pastoral
- Teaching

Only one new one there, the society one. Well, teaching was one of my low one back in January, but through helping out with band learners, i think it's been a big help.


Anonymous said...


No rush for return of book - like the freshness of your blog page - tell me more of your thinking about 'soup kitchen'

God bless, Capt. M.

fandabidozi said...

Sounds exciting dear, glad that you have the confidence to listen to what God is saying to you, and to try to put it in place. That is a surprisingly rare thing.

Watching you do things like this reaffirms to me that God is calling you to officership, that he has given you some amazing gifts and that you've grown enough to accept them and use them. Fabulous dahlink. :D