
Tonight hasn't been a good one, with tears falling everywhere, evil looks from the bandmaster for playing wrong notes, but besides all that, i got loads of hugs from Rachael, but now i feel bad, because she's gone back to Aberdeen and was all worried, so i text her say that I'm ok and thank you for being there for me tonight. I miss her heaps.

Something happened tonight, something that i can't explain...We were singing 'I wanna be out of my deapth in your love', and all i could do was huddle up and cry, which kinda ended up in mum, hazel, Rahael, Chloe and megan all looking at me, i made my mum cry :( something inside me just was triggered off and i cried.

The bible reading tonight, was from Romans 8 31-39....and verse 37 in my bible is highlighte - 'No, in all these thing we are more than conquerors through him who loved us'

Think i'm going to off to sleepsleepies soon. I need to rest.