
Can't help but feel so lost just now. Today was such a hard day, yet i loved being with my Dad's family, even if it was only for a short time, although it would have been a lot better under different circumstances. Though, if it was just a random visit, there is no way i would have seen everyone.

When we arrived in Greenock on Monday night, we went straight up to my Grandma', (there's something that i can't explain that well about walking up her stairs, and into My Grandma's house, just feels so right, and homely.) but we sat for about 4 hours talking, drinking lots of tea and having far too many biscuits (the usual at my Grandma's), and then had take out when my auntie arrived. I love just sitting listening to them talk, because i always find out so many things about my family i never knew; like this trip revealed i am a lot like my Aunite Elaine in a few ways, and that i'm a proper Davies...and everyone still thinks wee Chloe looks like me (poor kid).

I love walking up my Grandma's stairs to find all my cousins in their usual hang out, i love laughing with them...i love the pictures all over the living room, i love how the first thing my auntie asked me about was my farewell.

I always thought, that because of the distance, and because we hardly ever talk, that My Dad's side of the family just don't care...but its the total opposite, and i just wish we lived a little closer so i could walk up those many stairs, and into that kitchen a lot more.

Its the little things.

Today has been a hard day, and i know that my Uncle Alan would have been looking at all today a few times, and smiling and laughing, for so many reasons. It was such a lovely service.

Praying for strength and protection around the Davies family down in Greenock & Johnstone. Love you all <3

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