
Moves are out.

Got the text this morning.
Cindy & Kelston are moving to Plymouth. I'm gutted.

Those two have became like family to me. Kelston's been like the dad i lost when i was little.
I'll miss them loads. =[

But i know that Plymouth are so lucky to be getting them as officers. And i know it's for the best, and God will take care of them.

Oh, and to top it off, Fiona is moving too. Going to Bolton. Leaves two days after our Africa trip.

I actually meet Fiona for lunch today. Had a lovely 2 and a half hour chat, and coffee, was a good laugh! =]

1 comment:

Laura Whispering said...

Plymouth won't be that far when you're in London!

And =( ..at least Fiona gets to come to Tanzania first <3