
I'll not turn back

Lyrics are two posts down if you want to read them again.
The songsters sang this song last night, and it means so much to me. Means so much to me because it reminds me and makes me think about officership, reminds me of certain people, and is just a great song in itself. Well done Mr John Gowans :)
And as Hazel said "This is a weepy one"...i sat there recording the songsters, but at the end i had to run to the toilets.

"If doors should close, then other doors will open"...."I'm called to live, to love and save the lost"

And a little note to the Bennett's if you're reading this. Hope you're having a lovely holiday, and enjoying time with your family =]

I had to do the report about the youth rally for the salvationist. I sent it to Kelston yesterday, who said i could be a journalist, haha. Got to send the salvationist a bit more details and it should be in next Sunday.


Anonymous said...

A little note to Sam while you are on bebo - got your message - loved the Korea Staff band (on your bebo) playing 'I'll not turn back' - holiday been good - see you on our return - hi to all at meeting tonight.

Prayers, God Bless, The Bennetts xx

metal and knit said...

I actually had Ill not turn back runnning thru my mind as I was thinking off a blog title to fit with the youth day cross here in the wollongong area. I think ill use the tune to help put my lip in ready for my cornets return for anzac day.