
I really love my work. Especially on days when you just can't be bothered, because there is always something that happens, to make you feel so much better, especially working with Neale. Since it's the holidays, i've been with him in the afternoon instead of the evening, and we've talked and walked, and laughed and joked. It's been really nice.

With the holidays we have our teenage club on mondays and kids club on wednesdays. Monday was really good. Wehn wednesday came though, i woke up feeling so horrible;sore head,sore throat, blocked nose, the lot, that day i had to get through getting Ross ready;showered, milk and medicine sorted, bed made, and dishes washed and put away, then i had kids club; i was a bodyguard for one of the kids who liked to run out of the community centre and attacked by the same kid.

I still love my work though.

At the minute i'm trying to write a sermon for Candidate sunday on the 10th May. I've got a few things down, but i just can't seem to find the right words, or what God is telling me. I'll blog it when i'm done though.

Going to watch the passion of the Christ tonight, since it's Holy Week.

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