wow, i never realised how long it has been since i updated my blog, oops!
anyways, i don't really have much to say today, so sorry if this is one big ramble about so much rubbish.
First of all, college. Well, it's going ok, i'm getting on with everyone in the class so that's a good thing. Especially on tuesday mornings when you enter the coffee house and sit with John and Ewan, it's ace. John is a laugh, i don't have a clue what we were talking about, but all i remember is john saying..."orange cicles after the key signature, and a purpule triangle to show the key modulation"....turning out to hear in keyboard skills that the circle was sort of right, that why there's a hlaf cicrle with a line through it showing 4/4....totally random but hey, was a laugh.
I wish John wasn't able to lip read lol...Tony (our keyboard skills tutor) asked if there where any problems about the course, tell john and he'll pass them on to me, what did sam do? said "paul" oops, john was like "yeah sam i'll pass it on"'s annoying though, one day we have rules for harmonising a piece os music, the next day we get told ignore the rules..i wish tara still taught us!
I get my educating your ears assessment back tomorrow, and i really hope i've passed, i don't want to have to sit it all over again.
I connected with Paul yesterday. I had my cornet lesson yesterday, and i wasn't really about the cornet, wasn't about the music, it was all about me...and in a way i was scared have someone blankey tell you "stop holding back" when you never realised you were holdung back....someone to tell you "let your personality come through", when you have no clue how to, someone tell you "i don't care if you play every note wrong", "you need to make more noise"...then think 'No, I'm shy, i can't'. We were getting ready to play little exercises and he said..."write we'll take this a bit faster then before"....i don't know what sort of face i made, but pual read it correctly, and he said "see now you have put those negative feelings in your have already said, no i aint going to play it faster paul"....i don't get it, why am i so relluctant to let everything inside me go and just play to the best of my ability? Why do i have to be so shy? I have to perform next tuesday, and i'm dreading it, i don't want to be standing up ther will paul saying...."what you going to play?" "how are you going to do this?" but in a way, i can't wait till tuesday, whether thats to get it over and done with, or because i know deep down that i can do it, if i just relax, and let everything inside my head go, no negagtive feelings, all positive. I'll let you know how it goes though.
i don't think there's anything else to update on....*thinks* - ouch that hurt :p
nope that's all for now!
1 comment:
D'you know what? He's right. You can do it; you need to stop worrying about that part and just put your emotions into it. Sometimes i notice it when you're singing too - you're worrying so much about getting every note technically perfect that you don't put across the emotion, when really you don't need to be worrying about technicalities because you're already amazing at it! xo
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