
I do promise - My Gold helping

It was our last Vocational Fellowship of the year last night, and it was a really good night.

The night started off with managing to arrive at Cindy and Kelston's on my own, and surprising them by knocking on the door, haha, they were impressed. Since i turned up about two hours early, we had a nice wee blether, gave them some christmas pressies, watched TV and played a quick game of Buzz before we left for the Christmas Meal.
The Christmas meal was this wee, like warm cottage type place, and i loved it. We had a nice meal, good chats, shared some laughs then headed back to Kelston & Cindy's for desert, and for some fellowship. Which was really good. We talked about making resolutions, and how we hardly ever keep keep them. And instead, if we want to make some resolutions this year, to try looking at Romans 12: 1 -3., then we spent some time in prayer.

That all finished about 10, and we all left at 11. Which left us all with an hour, which was actually a really nice hour. I sat with Cal, Chris, Tim, and Phillip and just to chat with them, and laugh with them, something aout it just clicked. I liked it, was good fun.

Roll on next year, good things in store for VF by the sounds of it =]

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