
In Christ Alone by Newsboys

It's near candidates interviews again, and this song just reminds me that it's all in God's hands.

Even though this next interview is scaring me already. Think it may be the fact that Mark Herbert, Territorial Candidates Director is going to be conducting it, that alone sounds scary.


Yesterday was such an amazing day, i don't know where to start.

I came home last night after Driven, and something from that day had stayed with me.
Whether it was the fact that yesterday was on the last things i'll do with Cindy and Kelston being there, whether it was the fact i was shown how supportive my corps actually are, or things that were said and done, whatever it was, maybe all of thee above. Yesterday was just a very very special day to me.

Being Candidates day, i was taking part. Both meetings i was involved in the Prayer time. Morning i was involved in the responsive prayer, along with Kelston and CIndy, and in the evening, I led the prayer time. Something i hadn't done before, and something i was very worried about, but it went really well.

Before the meeting started, Kelston was asking me if my prayer time was all sorted, and how i was feeling about that, then said he was going to interview me, just to let people know whats been going on, and then they were going to pray for me. The interview went well, but it was when we invited people to stand around me, and pray for me, then the whole congregation were on their feet, was very emotional. As kelston finished praying i looked around with tears falling down my face to see everyone, which ended up with more tears. I love my corps so much <3

I remember standing on the platform when Kelston, when he said this: "Look after her, I may be in Plymouth but I'll be watching from a distance" - That was the sweetest thing i had heard in a long time.

And, my song that i picked for the songsters was "I'll Not Turn Back!" and it was actually sang twice that day - morning and back. Very moving song. In the morning it was used as part of the response. We were given little strips of blue ribbon and we, if we wanted, could tie them to a fishing net, to show that we'd left that something behind that was getting in our way of giving up and not turning back.

All in all, a really good day.
But if that was just everyone supporting me at the start of this journey, i don't want to see what it's going to be like when i actually leave, haha!

Lots of hugs, support and smiles yesterday =]

I'll Not Turn back, What ever it may cost, I'm called to live, to love and save the lost!


Smile =]

Things that made me smile recently...

- Two little kids playing peek a boo on the bus this morning, was sweet.
- Spending time with my college friends, and taking random pictures.
- Playing Frisbe, was great fun.
- Thinking about tuesdays meeting with Matthew and Kelston, haha! (you had to be there)
- Tara's suggestions for Keith instead of swearing - Coconut Fudge.
- Me cool paper wedding ring
- knowing that it's only 18 days till my summer holidays start
- Knowing the Madeleine and Gemma are home soon. And Madeleine is home for good this time :)
- Knowing i'm going to be an Aunty in November
- And knowing that Jesus love me <3

So, if you forget about exams, life is great at the moment! :)


Imagine...you can be a hero!

It was all getting less scary, then today comes and scares me a bit more. If that made any sense?

Candidates Interview with the Candidate board and Mark Herbert.

I had a meeting with Kelston and Matthew today though, that was good!

Kelston read parts from the Local Officers forms about me, read parts from the feedback from the candidates board on my 1st interview. They all see potential in me to be a good officer, and that it was a positive and confident 1st interview.

The things that were said today, were very sweet.

"So now i hold on to your plans for my future
A future that's dressed in the veil of your love
Protecting my eyes from the trials of tomorrow
So today can be blessed with the power of your love
No, I can't seem to hide from your love"
Annika Scutt <3
(Think i may use this in my sermon too)

(I got her album for my birthday, and I'm totally in love with it!)

"I'll not turn back
whatever it may cost
I'm called to live, to love and save the lost,
I'll not turn back,
I'm called to live, to love and save the lost!"

This song twice in one day, oh me! Love it though, the words are becoming more real to me each day while i'm on this journey. They mean a lot to me.


Meet Baby Geddes!

Best news i have had in a while.... I'm going to be an Aunty :)


My friends amaze me more than ever.

Today and yesterday haven't been the best days. With Nan not looking too great, college work pilling up, Sermons for Vocational Fellowship, Candidate Sunday to help organize, and much more, including loosing music for my grade 8 exam.

So i went into college today, not knowing what to expect. But my friends at college made me laugh and smile so much today, and then i had a nice meeting with the Bennett's, and then to top it all off, I just had a really nice conversation with Madeleine.

It was the usual,'have you got any gossip' line, but it lead on to the topic of me going to London so i had to explain all that. And I've always known mads to be very understanding, and very open minded, but tonight she just amazed me. She was asking all sort of questions and things. It was nice, nice to chat about it with her.

My mum told me last night, that if things were pilling up, and i feel like sort of top heavy right now, then maybe get a few things out of the way. Like my sermon she said, but i still don't know what to write, i need time to sit down and think that over. Which may be a task for tomorrow or Thursday night. I was sitting quietly in bible study as i usually do, taking it all in, thinking to myself when i glanced at me trainer and got a reminder from one of my favourite songs; "I'll Not turn back!"

No you're not defeated
And soon you'll be smiling once again
Then you won't have to feel it
Let it go with the wind
Time passes us by
And know that you're allowed to cry

'cause when you're in your darkest hour
And all of the light just fades away
When you're like a single flower whose colours have turned to shades of gray
Well hang on (whoa) and be strong
(hang on hang on) Be strong
Hold on and be strong

Delta Goodrem - Be Strong


Banter with Rachel.

Today went better than i thought it would have.
Though, i'm still loving God's sense of humour, i hate talky things.

Sam's Friday:
Presentation on the Cornet (Principles of Teaching class, AM)
Cornet lesson - Canceled
Lunch - With Rachie ♥ =]
Time with Mum ♥
Some Superman ♥

Rachel and I had a lovely chat this afternoon. And it made me realize how much i have missed her. She was like a little sister to me, and when they got their farewell orders it made me awfully sad. Yeah, they only got moved an hour away, but i never did see her as much. So, today was nice. Today we meet for lunch and talked about anything and everything, about the first day we meet, Army stuff, School / College, Candidate stuff, London, Uni's, Families....and the list goes on.

And she's my only visitor coming to see me in London so far that isn't family :)

She is still like a little sister. I love my Rachie ♥ xxxx
(That is all.)



"Feeling Good,
Feeling good,
i got love in my heart and my soul,
and i feel good,
there's joy down in my sould i can't explain,
Oh, i gotta tell everybody,
I feel good"

=] memories of music school are floating around in my head right now.

"Close to me,
every moment of my life
I feel his presence guarding me
as shadows turn to night
close to me
every moment he is there..."

Good times!

Samanthaism, is what Paul (my cornet tutor) calls the things that go on inside my head whilst playing the cornet. For example, when everything is actually going really well, but for some reason, i think "oh, it's going well..i'll just make a mistake!"...who knows, but lets say whenever it comes up, Paul's expression, and movement is very entertaining in itself.

Updates on the sermon for June..
Lamentations 3 v 22 - 33

Intro to theme: Valentines day, Brotherly/sisterly love... There's a love that we can always rely on, and that's god's love.

Point 1: Faithful Love of God...
- "Never Ends"
- "Great is his faithfulness"
- Bible verse, Love is patient, love is kind
- Song; "Oh Love that will not let me go..."

Point 2: - Not sure about this point

Point 3: God's Love In Action
- 1 John 3 v 18 - 19
- God live in us, so therefore so does his love...we cannot separate the two
- Being a helping hand...

And some conclusion.

And that is my notes so far, on my 1st ever sermon.